Wednesday, December 29, 2010

lol, blog

Being a college student home on break, you could probably guess that I currently suffer from the usual teenage angst, while having enough free time to contemplate things thoroughly. So, the way I see it, I basically fit the profile of the stereotypical blogger. I've been casually considering the prospect of blogging for a couple years, but it took me until the last couple of days to finally come up with an idea that seemed like a truly engaging topic. I'll try to give you the short version of the story here.

[If you haven't done so yet, look to the right of this post and read "Hi! How are ya?" and "What's with the title?"]

I grew up as the quiet, agreeable, and nerdy type. I guess that made me a good candidate for use as a crying shoulder once high school began and that teenage angst started kicking in. It didn't take me long to begin to realize that I was sometimes just being used for my sympathy, kind of like how kids had often coerced me into letting them copy my homework in years past. I've always considered being helpful enjoyable, but that was assuming no one was forcing me into it. Starting around the beginning of my second year of high school, I found myself substituting brutal honesty in the place of tact more and more. Sometime in the course of my junior year, I had essentially replaced "quiet" and "agreeable" with "loud" and "outspoken." I was too busy having fun speaking my mind to fully appreciate the consequences of my shift. In fact, it wasn't until earlier this evening that I identified a major one: there are very few people left who still like to come to me with their problems.

Late last night, I was talking to a friend with whom I had been failing to keep in touch. Our conversation led me to a rant about something that had gone wrong that day. Even though I had merely been whining, she responded with overwhelming compassion. When I told her that I had forgotten how kind she could be, she replied that she had grown accustomed to friends conveniently forgetting about her until they needed her help. She insisted that I hadn't committed that crime, but I was still a little apprehensive. The conversation was just one of many topics I found myself daydreaming about today while working. Motivated by caffeine and tedium (moving files around isn't a very engaging task), I began jotting down notes. After a little organization, I had what seemed like outlines for a few decent blog posts. Some of them were complaints, while others were simply observations describing past events that had popped into my head. Once I post them, hopefully I'll get some intriguing feedback.

I'm going to make my next post a sillier one. I wrote too much serious stuff today.

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